Japhet Mukala -Mwenyekiti wa chama

Johanes Mujuni-Makamu mwenyekiti

Denice Kahangwa-Katibu mkuu wa chama

Nelson Ntoroma-Naibu Katibu mkuu

Elizeus Izoba-Mweka hazina wa chama

Agnetha Byashalila- Muweka hazina msaidizi

Hamidu Mabaraza-Msemaji mkuu wa chama

Monday, September 30, 2013


Habari zeni ndugu wanachama,

Chama kinapenda kuwakaribisha wanachama wote kwenye mkutano mkuu wa chama utakaofanyika tarehe 06.10.2013 siku ya jumapili kuanzia saa nane mchana, unaombwa kuwahi sana ili tumalize kwa wakati,


All of us tell stories about ourselves. Stories define us.


And...to know someone well is to know her story-the experiences that have shaped her, the trials and turning points that have tested her.When we want someone to know us, we share stories of our childhoods, our families, our school years, our first loves, the development of our political views, and so on.


Fast forward 100 days to December 31st and think for a moment about the story you are going to tell yourself and repeat numerous times to others.

Will it be a story of...
REDEMPTION and how you turned around your year.
MASSIVE SUCCESS and how you made this the best year of your life.REGRET and how you let so many opportunities slip by.

EXCUSES and how tough the economy was this past year.
You must accept this reality...in 100 days, your story will have been written.
The narrative of that story will be a direct result of your inner dialog and corresponding performance.
The FACTS are simply this; when it comes to red meat portion of your story, you are either buying or selling.


If your story is one of REDEMPTION and MASSIVE SUCCESS, then you are a seller.
You have sold yourself on the importance of discipline, commitment, and fortitude, and have stayed focused on driving results in spite of the world of options and temptations that circle you all of the time.


If your story is one of REGRET, EXCUSES and UNDERPERFORMANCE then you are a buyer.
You have bought the same excuses that have led so many others down the pathway of mediocrity.
The things you buy are procrastination; lack of discipline, the nonsense they masquerade around on TV and newspaper about how bad things are, and whatever else is your poison of choice.


To finish the year strong you must become a seller. You must sell yourself on the power of your goals, on your reasons why, and your vision for what is possible.To be clear: You must begin working on a bigger, better and bolder story!


Why? Because the CLOCK IS TICKING...265 days are gone and only 100 days remain in the year.
If you're currently below target, and your year-to-date performance is not where you know it should be, then you must acknowledge that your existing strategies are not working, and take corrective action to close your performance gaps during these final 100 days.


The good news is that's there's still time to reach your goals, to redeem yourself and most important, to finish the year strong.
Your ability to finish the year strong is ultimately about character.
It's about turning a flash light to your soul to inspect yourself for will, courage and commitment.
The final chapter of your 2013 story is waiting to be written...
Is it going to be seen as the sad consequence of neglect, poor character, lack of direction and ambition, or will it be an inspiring example of talent put to good use in the intense pursuit of clearly defined year-end goals? I created the 100 Day Challenge with one purpose in mind...to show you how to FINISH THE YEAR STRONG.

Monday, July 22, 2013


Habari wanajamvi,

Ni jambo la kheri sana kuona watu wa jamii flani wanaamua  kuishi, kula pamoja, kunywa, kusaidiana kwa pamoja, kuteta, kujenga na kufanya mambo kadha wa kadha kwa mujibu wa makubaliano yao wenyewe waliojiwekea,
 Kutokana na changamoto nyingi sana za maisha ndo huwa chachu ya kusuku watu wawaze na kuunda chombo au jumuiya, au umoja au chama chenye lengo la kukabiliana na changamoto hizo nia hasa ya umoja ni kuunganisha nguvu ya wengi, mawazo na ushauri ili kufikia malengo husika.
Haya ndo mawazo na maswali mengi sana juu ya maisha na changamoto nyingi sana ndo vilitusukuma tuwe na mawazo ya kuwa na jumuiya ya vijana wa Kanyigo wanaoishi Dar es slaam. Halikuwa suala rahisi lakini kwa msaada mkubwa wa wanachama waliona agenda ina maana sana katika maisha yetu, waliikubali na kuipitisha hadi leo tumekuwa na chama cha vijana wa Kanyigo wanaoishi Dar es salaam Tanzania na nia ya baadae ikiwa ni kuunganisha vijana wa Kagera kwa lengo la kuwa na sauti moja juu ya agenda zinazohusu vijana na maslahi ya Mkoa wetu kwa ujumla.
Ebu jiulize kidogo maswali machache alafu tafakari majibu yake.
1.68% ya maprofesa hapa Tanzania wanatoka Kagera, je wana mchango gani katika Mkoa?
2.Ukilinganisha elimu ya Mkoa wa Kagera tangu miaka ya 90 hadi leo kuna tofauti kubwa sana, elimu imeshuka sana, je Tatizo ni nini?
3. Zao kuu la mkoa wa Kagera lilikuwa Kahawa na ndizi, walio wengi sana miongoni mwetu Kahawa zimetusomesha, lakini ukiangalia mwennedo wa zao hili umekuwa wa kusuasua, je kushuka kwa hili zao, je wana wa Kagera wanategemea zao gani hali hata ndizi zimeshambuliwa na magonjwa mengi sana?uchumi wa kagera unategemea nini?maisha ya walio wengi wanayaendeshaje?
Haya ni baadhi ya maswali yanahitaji majibu ya kina, ni mimi na wewe runaotakiwa kuja na majibu ya maswali haya.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013



MWAKA 1978, Majeshi dhalimu ya Nduli Idi Amin Dadaa wa Uganga, yalivamia Ardhi ya Tanzania, eneo la Mto Kagera, katika mkoa wa Ziwa Magharibi na kufanya uharibifu mkubwa wa mali na kuua wananchi wa mkoa huo, NYAKASAGANI MASENZA anasimulia kupitia vyanzo mbali mbali vya habari jinsi majeshi hayo yalivyoingia Tanzania na Amin kutangaza rasmi kuwa eneo hilo la Mto Kagera ni sehemu ya Uganda.

DAIMA Tanzania imekuwa mstari wa mbele kwa ukombozi wa Bara la Afrika, ikiwa miongoni mwa mataifa masikini zaidi duniani, lakini iliyojariwa viongozi wenye hekima, kuanzia muasisi wake Hayati Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, Rais wa pili Mzee Ali Hassan Mwinyi, Benjamin Mkapa na Jakaya Kikwete.

Busara za viongozi wa Tanzania zilianza kuonekana mwaka 1961, baada ya Mwalimu Nyerere kuwanasua watanzania kutoka mikononi mwa utawala kandamizi wa wakoloni, wakati huo pia akiwa tayari kuchelewesha Uhuru wa Tanganyika ili nchi zingine zilizokuwa kwenye mchakato wa uhuru zipate Uhuru siku moja na Tanganyika.

Msimamo dhabiti Mwalimu Nyerere, uliweza kujenga Tanzania imara na kuifanya kuwa Taifa kimbilio la vikundi na vyama vya wapigania uhuru Kusini mwa Afrika, ambao walipewa hifadhi ya kudumu na kutumia ardhi ya Tanzania kuwa sehemu ya mapambano ya kudai uhuru wao, ambao waliupata kupitia mgongo wa Tanzania.

Viongozi kama Hayati Edward Mondolane, Samora Macheli wa Msumbiji, Nelson Mandela wa Afrika Kusini, Yoweri Mseveni wa Uganda, ni sehemu ya viongozi waliopitia mikononi mwa Mwalimu Nyerere wakati wakipigana nchi zao zikombolewe.

Watanzania walianza kuingiwa na wasiwasi mwaka 1971, wakati Nduli Idi Amin Dada alivyoasi na kuchukuwa madaraka ya Uganda kwa nguvu baada kuungusha utawala halali wa aliyekuwa Rais wa nchi hiyo Hayati Milton Obote na kutangaza kuitawala nchi hiyo kijeshi.

Mwanzo wa utawala wake waganda pamoja na mataifa mengine walidanganyika, wakawa na matumaini makubwa juu ya kiongozi huyo wa kijeshi, kutokana na ahadi zake nyingi kwamba yeye ataitala uganda na kuhakikisha eneo lililoko Tanzania, sehemu ya mto kagera, katika mkoa wa Ziwa Magharibi litakuwa sehemu ya Uganda.

Mwaka huo huo, Idi Amin alijaribu kutimiza madai yake kwa kuishambulia sehemu hiyo ya Mto Kagera, lakini watanzania walikuwa imara katika kulinda ardhi yao sehemu hiyo akashindwa, baada ya majeshi yake kurudishwa nyuma na majeshi hodari ya Tanzania.

Pamoja na majeshi yake kurudishwa nyuma, Fashiti huyo aliyejitangaza kuwa Rais wa maisha wa Uganda, akiwapongeza wapiganaji wake kwa kurudishwa nyuma huku akiwasifia kupata jeraha kidogo kutoka kwa majeshi ya Tanzania.

Baada ya wapiganaji wake kurudishwa nyuma Idi Amin alisema huo ni mwanzo tu, awamu nyingine atatumia silaha nzito zaidi ikiwa pamoja na makombola ya kurushwa kwa ndege na kuwaongezea nguvu askari wa miguu, jambo ambalo liliwafanya waganda kuingiwa na hofu kutokana na utawala huo wa mabavu, baada ya Amin kuanza kuwatilia shaka wananchi na kuwaua hovyo.

Mauaji ya kinyama yakawa kitu cha kawaida katika Uganda, wananchi wengi wasiokuwa na hatia walipoteza maisha, watu mashuhuri kama Jaji Mkuu Benedicti Kiwanuka na Askofu Mkuu Jamal Luwumu, waliteswa na kuuawa chini ya utawala wake.

Aitoa amri kuwa watu wote wanaopinga utawala wake, wapigwe risasi hadhalani, katika kutekeleza moja ya ndoto zake alizodai kuwa ni mazungumzo baina yake na Mwenyezi Mungu, aliwafukuza kutoka Uganda, Waasia wote waliokuwa na pasi za kusafiria za Uingereza na kuwanyanganya mali zao zote.

Baada ya shutuma nyingi za uongo dhidi ya Tanzania, mnamo tarehe 30 )ktoba 1978 Idi Amin aliyaamuru majeshi yake kuvuka mpaka na kulivamia eneo la Tanzania, ambapo watanzania zaidi ya 10,000 wasiokuwa na hatia yaliangamizwa na eneo la kilomita za mraba 1850 zilichukuliwa na majeshi ya Uganda.

Majeshi hayo ya Amin yalilikalia eneo la mto Kagera sehemu ya kyaka na kufanya vitendo vya kinyama kwa kuua wananchi wa mkoa wa Ziwa Magharibi hovyo, kuchoma nyumba, viwanda, kupora mali nyingi na kuzipeleka Uganda.

by Japhet Mukala


Friday, March 22, 2013


Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we cry, when we imagine, when we kiss? Because the most beautiful thing in the world is unseen.

When you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss the fun of getting there. Life is not a race, so take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.

Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, teardrops and laughter, pleasure and pain. Just remember, there was never a cloud that the sun couldn't shine through.

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with a tear.
When you born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you are the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Love is as beautiful as two people choose to make it!  A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely word may level stress; a loving word may heal and bless.

Life is like a book. Each day is a new page. May your book be a bestseller with adventures to tell, lessons to learn and tales of good deeds to remember.

A smile is a language even a baby understands. It costs nothing but it creates much. It happens in a flash but the memory of it may last forever. Keep on smiling!

The happiest person doesn't have the best of everything in life. Perhaps he is just good in making the best of everything that life brings along his way. Stay happy always!

Learn to appreciate the rainbow after cursing the rain. It's just like loving again after experiencing the pain!
The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are, but on how happy others can be... because of you. God Bless!

It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has. Hello to one of the richest persons I know. God Bless!

It's not the possession of good things that bring happiness. It is the ability to enjoy what comes. Happiness is an attitude.

Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But if you just let it fly, it would come to you when you least expect it.

In words, love can be read. In actions, love can be measured. But others don't know that even in silence, love can be heard.

No one can go back and make a new beginning, but anyone can start from now and make a happy ending.

When you find a dream inside your heart, don't ever let it go.... for dreams are the tiny seeds from which beautiful tomorrows grow.

Smile when in leisure. Smile when in pain. Smile when troubles pour like rain. Smile when someone hurt your feelings, coz you know, smiling always starts the healing!

Every teardrop is precious so better make sure that if you drop some, its worth crying for, coz you can never pick them and put them back to your eyes. Love wisely!

Life they say is touch and go. Some people you know may only be there for a time. Some may go away but people who find you special will always find ways to stay.
One measure of friendship consists not in the number of words that friends can discuss, but in the number of words they need no longer mention.

Life's a game, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But no matter what your cards in life, whether club, spade, or diamond, always remember - never play without a heart!

Remember - you are worth not for what you have, not even for who you are, but for what others have become because of you. Wish you the best!

When things go wrong don't go blue. Just pray and say I will get through. Always remember God Loves You!

To be strong one should have faith in one's self and trust in one's strength. It takes strong heart to overcome every hardship that will come. Have faith in yourself and believe.
Life is a one-way street. No matter how many detours you take, none of them leads back. So enjoy life every moment as none of them will happen the same way again.

The world is full of beauty when your heart is full of love. So start and end your day with love and smile in your heart. Have a peaceful day.

Valuing a person is not merely seeing each other everyday. What counts most is that somehow in our busy life, we remember each other even just by saying "Take care".

We are never given dream without also being given the power to make them come true.


Habari zenu wanafmilia,

Kwa niaba ya chama napenda kuchukua fursa hii kutoa salam za pole kwa ndugu zetu watatu waliopatwa na matatizo katika kipindi cha miezi miwili iliyopita
1. Nampa pole bwana Suraiti Kabaju kwa kuondokewa na bibi yake (MAZAINABU KABAJU) kama wanafamilia naomba tuungane kumfariji ndugu yetu Kabaju kwa matatizo haya,
2.Napenda kutoa pole sana kwa ndugu yetu bwana Kweyamba kwa kuondokewa na Baba yake mzazi, ni wajibu wetu kumfariji katika kipindi hiki kigumu sana kwake, Yote tunamwachia Mwenyezi mungu muumba wa yote.
3.Napenda kutoa pole kwa ndg yetu Bwana Jackson Mpembwe anayeuguliwa na mke wake, kwa pamoja tumkumbuke kumuweka kwenye sala na swala katika kipindi hiki kugumu kwake. Mungu huwa mwema siku zote, nina imani atamsimamia.

imetolewa na japhet Mukala.


Life is at its weakest When There’s more Doubt than trust
But Life is at its strongest When you learn How to trust
In spite of The doubts,

Monday, January 14, 2013


Habari wanachama,

Rejea kikao kilichopita, tumekubaliana siku ya 23.02.2013 tutafanya get together party ya mwaka wa jana, ikumbukwe, tulishindwa kufanya hii party ambayo ipo kwa mujibu wa katiba kutokana na mambo kuwa mengi ndani ya kalendar ya chama, kuna mengi sana yatafanyika siku hiyo, msikose kwani ni kosa kikatiba kukosa siku hiyo. Mahali tulikubaliana siku ya kikao inagawa mtatumiwa tena sms kukumbushiwa na mipango mingine ya chama kuhusu siku hiyo.

Imetolewa na japhet Mukala

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Ndugu wanachama,

chama cha vijana wa Kanyigo wanaoishi Dar es salaam, kinapenda kuwapongeza wanachama wote kwa kufanikiwa kumaliza mwaka 2012 kwa usalama na kuingia mwaka 2013, hii ina maana kubwa sana kwetu, ni mengi yametokea ndani ya 2012, lakini Mungu ametusimamia na tumevuka kwa usalama, tujifunge mkanda ili kukabili changamoto zilizo mbele yetu! nina imani tutashinda katika yeye atutiaye nguvu.

Muwe na baraka njema katika shughuli zenu za kila siku
Mungu abariki kazi ya mikono yenu na zaidi msisahau kufanya kazi kwa bidii na malengo
Mwisho, tukumbuke ibada.
Japhet Mukala.